Chiropractic Adjustments
Chiropractic adjustments target specific areas of the spine and extremities. They are an excellent form of treatment designed to help restore and improve function throughout your body. With restored motion comes pain relief and decrease in symptoms.. We use multiple techniques and meet you at your comfort level so we can offer the highest level of service possible.
Diversified (Manual Adjustment)
Low force (Arthrostim/Activator)
Flexion Distraction
Chiropractic pairs perfectly with rehabilitation exercises. The adjustments help restore motion and the individual exercises I prescribe will help to continue your improvement. I look to create balance in motion and ultimately preventing further injuries.
Mckenzie Method
Diaphragmatic Breathing
Joint Specific Mobility and Stability Training
Soft Tissue Therapies
As another way to improve your care we offer several different soft tissue therapies. The therapies we provide are supplements to the adjustments and rehabilitation. We do traditional massage therapies, but here are some specific techniques.
Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization
Kinesiology Taping
Sonix Whole Body Vibration
A revolutionary device that combines sonic waves and vibration to improve your health. One session will usually take around ten minutes and has huge benefits. Here are a few.
Improved Circulation/Balance
Improved Bone/Muscle Mass
A passive workout to burn calories.
Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMF)
This fantastic device helps heal the body at the cellular level. This is all done by improving the function of the bodies electromagnetic field. A normal session usually takes around 20 minutes.
Reduces pain, inflammation
Accelerates healing
Improves Energy
Relaxes Muscles
Call or Text Bend Chiropractic and Wellness today at 541-610-5621. Let's get you pain-free and enjoying life!